About Us
Brad and I grew up spending our summers at the cabin our parents built in Carnelian Bay, Lake Tahoe. Built on a lot given to them as a wedding gift by our grandparents, they began contructing their cabin in 1946 while on their honeymoon. Friends came to help build often bringing building supplies as wedding gifts. Look for photos of their two year cabin building project displayed in the hall at Lucky Tree Cabin.
Years later our grandparents joined them in opening the very popular lakefront restaurant called The White House. Subsequent owners of the property razed the historic building and built The Gar Wood restaurant in it's place many years later.
My brother and I were both sorry to see the family cabin sold in the 80s, as it held such a special spot in our hearts.
About ten years ago Brad returned to Lake Tahoe, California and rented the cabin while he looked for his dream home. After searching for years he still wasn't able to find a home he loved as much as Lucky Tree Cabin. About that time he was thrilled to be given the opportunity to buy the cabin.

Brad lived in his beloved Lucky Tree Cabin for a total of nine years. The picture above of us above was taken on the cabin porch about a month before he passed away.
It was his wish that I keep the cabin and rent it out for weekends and vacations so that others enjoy the cozy comforts of his "little log cabin in the woods."
We spent weeks discussing and planning the cabin's future. We talked of the historic furnishings in the cabin saved from our family's cabin and restaurant - mementos, souvenirs and belongings from over eighty years of Summers (and more than a few Winters) at Tahoe. I think he would be pleased.
Courtney Turman